P K Sen


Colorado School of Mines

Division of Engineering

Golden, Colorado 89491


Telephone: (303) 384-2020

Fax: (303) 273-3602


Email address: psen@mines.edu  


Key words:

Transformers, Protection, Substations, Power quality, Renewable energy

Unlisted key words:  Distributed Generation, Engineering Education, Microgrid

Research description:

Transformer Overloading and Economic Replacement strategy.
Evaluation of the remaining life of a power transformer in service has been a big concern. To make economical decisions for such transformer replacement, it is critical to estimate the remaining life expectancy. This project deals with insulation aging and life expectancy estimation of oil-filled transformers and also provides a simplified overloading guidelines.

Distributed Generation, Renewable Energy and Power Quality, and Protection Application.
This multi-faceted interrelated areas have become a very important part of our present distribution systems, and requires a detailed investigation. This project deals with entire global problems associated with the DG & Renewable Energy Applications, in particular IEEE 1547 Standards.

Laboratory facilities:

Our research laboratory primarily includes "computational capabilities and software applications." Other experimental research is done at National Renewable Energy Laboratory, or at other industry locations.

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