Ian Cotton
- Ferranti Building
- PO Box 88
- Manchester, UK, M60 1QDq
- Telephone: +44 161 200 8735
- Fax: +44 161 200 4820
- Email address: ian.cotton@umist.ac.uk
- URL: http://www.ee.umist.ac.uk/mcee/
Key words:
High voltage engineering,
Renewable energy,
Unlisted key words:
Grounding, Insulation Coordination, Lightning Protection
Research description:
My research involves a mixture of condition monitoring (in the form of PD monitoring of cables & transformers), lightning protection and earthing analysis. I am also getting involved in the interaction of pipelines & transmission lines.
Laboratory facilities:
We have a HV lab with a 2MV impulse generator, 750kV DC set and 800kV resonant AC set. We also have a number of smaller HV labs. High current facilities include a 10kA 2V transformer and a 20kA impulse generator.
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