Robert Schlueter


Key Words:

voltage collapse, security assessment, stability

Research description:

A Voltage Stability Security Assessment and Diagnosis, that performs contingency selection and can answer the diagnostic questions of where, when, why, and what can be done to prevent voltage stability, has been a primary focus of the research. The program has three stages: The above capabilities are being extended to identifying agents in a differential algebraic model for each kind (saddle node, Hopf) and class (inertial or flux decay dynamics of generators or induction motors), performing contingency selection for each agent for each kind and class of instability, and answering the diagnostic questions of where, when, why, proximity, and cure for each equipment outageand transaction combination. A bifurcation subsystem theory has been developed to establish the theoretical foundation for this work. A bifurcation subsystem trajectory sensitivity analysis has been developed to explain the cascading bifurcations in a power system model. Cascading has been explained in a loadflow and in a differential algebraic model.

The Open Access System Dispatch problem of determining the active power dispatch and the voltage control, reactive resource and stabilization control device dispatch that would correct voltage instability on any stability agent, low voltage on any voltage agent, and thermal overload on any thermal agent for all equipment outage and transaction combinations is formulated . The optimization assures that correction of instability on one agent does not produce it on any other agent. The corrective form of the Open Access System Dispatch determines the transmission capacity reduction due to a contingency and exactly compensates for it only when it occurs.The protective form of the Open Access System Dispatch reduces transmission capacity as stress and contingencies develop that threaten to produce thermal overload,voltage limit violations or instability.

Lab Facilities:

The Power System Laboratory contains two new workstations and two new printers. It contains the Power Technology loadflow on each that is used in the research. It was the first lab to obtain the PTI loadflow and only one of relatively few in the United States with this program. It also contains the EPRI PSAPAC programs and the Power System Toolbox.

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